STORIES frOM A markET leAdEr

As one of the leading consumer brands in the Nordics, Elgiganten desired an annual report that reflected the company's position, reputation, and perspectives. We planned, designed, wrote, and launched an annual report that not only told the company's financial story but also highlighted key aspects of sustainability, customer experience, and internal communication.

To create a final product that would appeal to financial analysts and convey Elgiganten's distinctive and extensive story to new consumers, partners, and stakeholders, the report was crafted with a fitting tone and expression. Texts about employees, consumers, and the company's history of being present in Swedish homes seamlessly intertwined with themes of sustainability and circular economy. The result was an annual report befitting the Nordic region's leading retailer of consumer electronics.

IR / Editorial Design / Copywriting / Sustainability Communication


An annual report for not just a consumer giant but a trusted societal and industry player.
